Thursday, November 21, 2019

Principles of Adult Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words - 1

Principles of Adult Education - Essay Example Fron this discussion it is clear that  the focus is on the individual, and particularly that person’s conscious, rational activities of perceiving, interpreting, categorising and storing knowledge. Basically it depends upon the capabilities of an individual as to how he perceives learning. Schemata theorists, for example, suggest that as learners we first acquire new information, interpret it according to our previous experiences, then evaluate and remember concepts using our existing mental schemata or categories, and restructure our concepts and organising schemata as we are challenged by new experiences.This paper highlights that  in the everyday process of ‘meaning-making’ and problem solving, reflective theories explain that pupil learn procedural knowledge (how to do things or solve problems) and propositional knowledge (what things mean) through reflecting on experiences. But in critical reflection people question how they framed the problem in the firs t place. Even if no apparent problems exist, the thoughtful practitioner questions situations, asking why things are the way they are, why events unfold in the way they do.  One problem with explaining adult learning as a straightforward matter of individuals reflecting carefully and even critically on their experiences is that we are embedded so thoroughly in our cultures that we may not be able to distance our thinking from our own experiences.

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